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Messe-Pro internationaler Messebau GF Jörg Becker

We have the experience.

"We live our motto. Always Fair".

Messe-Pro is an owner-managed, globally active exhibition stand construction full service company. We maintain very fair and trusting dealings with each other. This shapes the style and climate of our work. "Heart and soul" and personal commitment for our management and employees are one of our keys for success.

Thanks to structured thinking and more than 25 years of experience in the exhibition business, we provide our customers with innovative and creative concepts in combination with high quality in support and realisation at attractive prices. Those are all guarantees for "Always Fair" in price and performance.

Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Becker, Managing Director, Messe-Pro

Messe-Pro Messebau Icon Kompakt Messestand

fact & figures

  • Founding year 1990
  • Employees 58, plus 55 freelancers
  • Projects System stands from 10 m² up to individual exhibition appearances of several thousand square metres
  • Locations Central Hessen / Lahnau / Wetzlar we maintain international offices in New York, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur
  • Annual sales > 10 million euros
  • Realised projects more than 590 at 170 exhibitions per year in 27 countries on 5 continents
  • Company size 22,000 m² works premises with 11,500 m² of administration, production and storage areas
  • Philosophy Brand Experience - Always Fair.

Who we are - our mission

  • We are an ambitious exhibition full service company located in central Hessen with focus on exhibition concept, exhibition design, in-house production, national as well as European and worldwide realisation, i.e. order fulfilment.
  • Messe-Pro is an owner.managed exhibition full service provider successfully operating in Germany, Europe and all other continents for our customers.
  • Place your trust in more than 25 years of tradition. Regardless of whether you are exhibiting at home or abroad, our experience is based on challenging and wide-ranging projects that we have implemented all over the world.
  • We enhance the character of the experience of your exhibition stands and reinforce your brand on a long-term basis because authentic Messe-Pro concepts provide high identification with products and full-service services.
  • We create brand experiences.
  • Brand Experience. Always Fair.

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What we provide - our market performance

  • Strategic advice and concept development because a well-staged brand presentation lives from the idea that is behind it all. This idea doesn't just give the brand its visibility but also its meaning.
  • Individually adapted design to the brand story for exhibitions, congresses, events and shows are effective, strong spatial concepts in combination with emotional brand experiences – we tell the story of your brand including in-house graphical and digital printing studio
  • CNC in-house production in own joinery, in-house paint shop, flexible, reliable and punctual production of the projects
  • Installation teams with installers trained in various trades enable punctual and smooth realisation of your world of experience and guarantee high quality exhibition presentation
  • Logistical performance, adapted to the exhibition location, using own fleet of vehicles and international network partners guarantees a successful and punctual exhibition project at all worldwide locations, storage of customer's own conventional exhibition stands and system components in high-bay warehouse

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Who we are - values and behaviour

  • We Deal With Things Responsibly
  • All our actions are focussed and efficient and we attach particular importance to economic, ecological and social quality.
  • Sustainability is a significant component of our holistic brand philosophy.
  • Our focus is on sustainable project implementation that creatively expresses your visions and brand values.
  • For us, sustainable as regards our environment and future generations means using natural resources in an economical way and achieving high levels of energy efficiency.
  • Sustainable as regards our customers, business partners and suppliers is primarily based on the fundamental idea of fairness.
  • Sustainable as regards our personnel is based on the fact that people make a significant contribution to the long-term success of our company.
  • We act from conviction.

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Company history in time periods

  • 1990 Founding Messe-Pro Jörg Becker and Thomas Heinrich GbR at the Schöffengrund location
  • 1993 Relocation to Ehringshausen and increase of the production sites
  • 1998 Change of company name to Messe-Pro Becker and relocation to Nauborn with expanded production facilities
  • 2002 Relocation to the Wetzlar site and increase of the personnel to 20 employees
  • 2006 Relocation to the 12,000 m² works premises at Lahnau with a total of 4,800 m² of administration, production and storage areas
  • 2008 Expansion of the joinery and appointment of another 6 carpenters / joiners to make a total of 40 permanent employees
  • 2010 Take-over of the exhibition agency "Exponiert"
  • 2013 Expansion of the storage areas by 1,200 m² by the new construction of a logistics warehouse at the Lahnau site
  • 2014 Acquisition of the 10,000 m² Hörnsheimer Eck works premises in Wetzlar with 4,500 m² of administration area and storage halls, take-over of the exhibition stand builder "EVN" which becomes MP-Systembau GmbH, founding of M-Print GmbH as graphical and digital printing studio

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Messe-Pro | Exhibition construction, exhibition design, exhibition stands & events

Brand Experience- Always Fair: Create a new basis for exhibition and event communication. Messe-Pro as an international full-service provider transforms your exhibition presence into a genuine brand experience for your company and your visitors. Messe-Pro from Hessen "next to" Frankfurt am Main integrates all aspects starting from strategy and design, through CNC production to implementation on-site – and meets the highest standards of quality, sustainability and service at every stage.

Based on many years of tradition and experience since 1990, Messe-Pro, based in Lahnau/Mittelhessen Germany, implements brand presentations measuring up to 4,000 square metres of modular, composite or individual construction. When doing this, we anchor the key values of your brand using impressive messages and innovative space layouts in your company appearance and produce a creative world of experience for your visitors.